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QLD Article

Update from the President - August

Boxing the Shadows and Dispelling the Myths

Promoting Clarity in the Strata Sector Amidst Speculation

The strata industry relies on communication, relationships, and occasional speculation. Recently, however, speculation has become much more dominant, in some cases overshadowing factual information with noise and misinformation. Chatter has evolved into a relentless rumour mill, leaving stakeholders unsure about what’s accurate and what isn’t. This confusion harms our community, particularly when clarity and cohesion are crucial.

As we navigate this landscape, it’s essential to address these challenges transparently. While rumours persist, let’s focus on fostering open dialogue, sharing accurate updates, and reinforcing trust within our strata community. Together, we can cut through the noise and ensure that reliable information prevails.

A Multitude of Perspectives: Navigating Strata Management Insights

In recent times, we have seen a number of situations whereby people with varying levels of interest and capability have stepped forward, offering their insights into strata management. While these perspectives may be well-intentioned, they sometimes create uncertainty and doubt. As a result, an information landscape emerges, filled with a mix of viewpoints, both accurate and incomplete. Our goal is to sift through this diversity and foster a clearer understanding for the benefit of our community.

Navigating Transparency Amidst Industry Challenges

As the Strata Community Association Queensland (SCAQ) recently appointed representative on the SCA Australasia Board, I get a unique perspective on the current landscape and ongoing efforts within the sector. Despite the noise, much is being done behind the scenes to strengthen our industry.

One area where we acknowledge improvement is communication. The Strata Community Association (SCA) has diligently addressed a number of challenges posed by recent media attention. Managing multiple complex issues is always challenging, and meeting everyone’s expectations is difficult. Notwithstanding this we are prioritising communication, ensuring transparency and regular updates for our members.

Our ‘6 Point Plan’ is a source of pride, designed to reinforce consumer confidence in the SCA brand and its members. SCA President Joshua Baldwin has already shared some progress, and there’s more to come. Additionally, we’re launching a consumer-facing campaign highlighting the evolution of the strata sector and emphasising professionalism and integrity.

SCAQ’s Commitment to Ethical Practices and Industry Engagement

SCAQ is focused on improving business practices and fostering cultural shifts through our educational programs. As I’ve often said, ethics is like a garden - it requires constant attention. Listening to our customers and staying attuned to modern expectations is not just important for our success; it’s essential for protecting the SCA brand and ensuring that membership continues to provide value to property owners.

What often goes unseen is the quiet, yet critical work happening behind the scenes. In my role as President, I’m in regular contact with our General Manager, Laura Bos, who has been tirelessly engaging with government, regulators, and industry stakeholders. Her efforts have ensured that key decision-makers are well-informed about the internal reforms SCA is undertaking and ensuring balanced and well considered commentary is forthcoming.

It’s important to recognise that Queensland has a strong regulatory framework in place, particularly regarding disclosures. Queensland’s strata history spans over 40 years, and the established Commissioner’s office ensures that issues are addressed effectively. If strata management were in crisis here, the government would have acted long ago.

However we cannot sit still and our industry must continually evolve to meet modern demands.

I am sure, as clients expectations rise, that we will continually be challenged . Let’s embrace this, seize the moment, continue by continuing to elevate professionalism and be rewarded for creating real value for clients. As your President, I want to remind you of the strength of the SCA brand. Your membership and the proactive steps you’ve taken to improve your business practices position will stand you well to navigate any challenges ahead.

Let’s remain confident in the work we’re doing, trust in the strength of our association, and continue to build a future where the strata industry is synonymous with integrity, transparency, and professionalism.

Andrew Davidson

SCAQ President



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