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The body corporate | The body corporate manager (BCM) |
Maintains, manages, and controls the common property for the benefit of all lot owners. | Carries out the duties contained within the administration agreement with the body corporate. |
Set the budgets, the amounts to be paid by the owners to make sure the body corporate has sufficient funds to meet expenses. | Prepares draft budgets and financial statements for the committee to consider, approve and submit to all owners for consideration at the annual general meeting. |
Makes decisions (committee or general meeting), enforces the by-laws (the rules that apply to owners and occupiers to help regulate the use of common property and lots at each scheme). | Has no decision-making power and can only act on the instruction of the committee (including, for example, by assisting the committee to prepare the required paperwork for the enforcement of by-laws). |
Insures the common property and buildings (and also insures against public risk) as required by the legislation. | Arranges the insurance and pays the premiums on behalf of and at the instruction of the body corporate. |
Manages and maintains body corporate assets and approves related expenditure from body corporate funds. | Maintains the body corporate records in accordance with the legislative requirements; conducts banking under the instructions of the committee. |
Keeps records for body corporate, including meeting minutes, roll of owners' details, financial accounts, registers of assets, improvements to common property by owners, and a contracts register. | Distributes correspondence, meeting agendas and minutes of meetings. |
Approves the agenda and meeting material before it is distributed (other than owner motions, which must be included without change). | Prepares meeting material and minutes of the meetings at the direction of the committee. Does not have authority to submit or amend a motion or to add an item to a meeting agenda. |
Chairperson chairs all meetings at which they are present; if not present, the persons present and entitled to vote decide who chairs the meeting (doesn't have to be the BCM or another committee member). | Cannot chair meeting if chairperson is present; if chairperson not present, the persons present and entitled to vote decide who chairs the meeting (does not have to be BCM or another committee member). |
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