Entries for the 2023 Queensland Strata Community Awards are open.
Entries for the 2023 Queensland Strata Community Awards are open.
Entry Requirements
Individual Award
Senior Strata Community Manager
Recognising senior strata community managers who have demonstrated deep industry knowledge and specialist expertise, excellence in customer service, a commitment to professional development, business acumen and innovative ideas.
Customer Service
Describe your philosophy/approach to customer service and provide real-life examples from your current role as evidence of your approach.
Provide an example of when you went “over and above” to achieve a positive outcome for an owner or Strata Community.
Explain your approach to dealing with difficult customers and provide an example of when you have been able to convert a disgruntled customer to a satisfied one.
Top tips:
400-word limit.
Business Acumen & Thinking Outside The Square
Describe what you have done in your organisation that demonstrates a high level of business acumen.
Provide examples of how you have approached delivery of a service, activity or process differently in order to achieve a better result, why you did this and the result.
Top tips:
400-word limit.
Must emphasise deep industry knowledge and technical knowledge in strata management.
Professional Development & Goals
Explain the professional development you have undertaken over the past 12 months.
Explain any learning/ development activities undertaken in addition to the accreditation CPD.
Explain what you are most proud of in your career to date and why.
If you do have leadership responsibilities, explain how you have created a winning culture in your team or organisation. Describe the actions/activities/processes you and the team undertake to maintain this culture and explain how you quantified the results.
Describe the goals you set for yourself for the next 3 years and how you plan to achieve them.
Describe what success will look like for you in 3 years’ time.
Top tips:
300-word limit.
Contribution To The Industry
Provide examples of how you have contributed to the development of the Strata industry in one or more of the following areas:
Education and Professionalism
Leadership, coaching, and development of other strata professionals
Corporate Social Responsibility
Top tips:
400-word limit.
Must emphasise deep industry knowledge and technical knowledge in strata management.
Must have been practising as a strata community manager with over 400 lots for two (2) years at time of nomination.
Must have been employed with their current employer for not less than the last two (2) years at time of nomination.
Must be an SCA Accredited strata community manager (any level of accreditation).
Must be a current employee of an SCAQ Strata Management Member and the Corporate must hold membership in SCAQ for at least two (2) years at time of nomination.
Must NOT have a Code of Conduct complaint upheld against them over the last two (2) years at time of nomination.
Entrant must be available for an online interview at a time specified by SCAQ.
Must be in a supervisory role such as; Licensee-in-charge, Principal, Director, Partner, Team Leader or Owner of a Strata Management Business that is registered to operate in Queensland. If operational, you must directly manage 400 lots and above in Queensland.
Must provide a Declaration form stating the information provided in the Awards is true and accurate.
Must include three (3) client references of no more than one (1) page each (in addition to maximum word count). References are to include referee contact details, signature and be dated within the current awards season period. If reference is an email, a copy of the email must include the date received, the email which it was sent from, and a digital sign-off.
The winner of this award category will progress to the 2024-2025 SCA Australasia Awards as a Finalist subject to meeting the T&Cs. Email SCA at accreditation@strata.community to be supported to achieve accreditation by the required timeframe.